What is MyHeartSpeak About?
Myheartspeak.ca is a reflective forum for my heart speak from the place of a writer poet, a healing practitioner in the Chinese Medical Art of Pangu Shengong, and a life student.
My heart speak writings may also touch on the grace that goes with my being a lifelong teacher; and by that, I also mean, beyond my world of being a certified teacher, and how we, regardless of our life age, are all, in our way, everyday teachers and students who get to practice our passions and art and touch people’s lives in various hats.
I also need to thank a good heart print in my life for all this. She goes by the name of Laurie and she is the one who has been encouraging me to get a blog going for quite a while now given all the emails I have been sending to her over the years, most of which she has strongly and enthusiastically felt would make a few good books by now.

Qigong Grandmaster Ou
So it only has taken me six years to take a leap of faith with consistently loving encouragement. My heart speak may touch on the inner progress to such daring leaps of faith. Another longtime encourager is as an invaluable mentor named Paul. And then there is another influence in my life, my primary healing teacher Master Ou, who has been patiently waiting, patiently encouraging me, patiently asking.
I began writing and practising storytelling as art and as my first language of being quite young. Things happened along the way that challenged my believing. It seems fitting to me and an accidental honour that a reflection on Leonard Cohen is to begin this homepage as it is he who had me feel charmed that I had a like and a knack for poetry in my impressionable youth and less lost that I was an oddbeat in my sensibilities and heart impressions, which included an attraction to daily daydreams, lots of life watching and just listening, and finding ways to create colour, tone and texture between the ways people used words.
I noticed the world was often dark, but it had these extraordinary prisms of aura and good light that I could actually see floating in the air and catching in the hearts of certain people. Those recognitions have carried me far, often saved me, and my heart speak may call on those refractions.

Leonard Cohen
That Mr. Cohen and I are/were both Montrealers born in September gave me a sense of connection. It had me feeling proud to enjoy the heartaches and joys of being a broad-minded spiritual wanderer in love with looking out for the rhythm of life meanings, and catching them, so as to pierce the skies into a high elevation of healing like he. I knew I had my own calling. I’m still working on rising to it. I hope this platform invites more of my truth to that gentle current.
Let’s be clear. I will never match such a visionary. Extraordinary people of exquisite offering like Leonard come around few. But I think I’m beginning to learn that I have my own light that is vital to share, too. And, Leonard was so generous as an encourager to lovers of letters and philosophy and such a strong thumb upper to the heart striving to find those balances between dark and light. I know September Leonard who was so keen on insight would be willing to share if but a centipede fraction of the great human torch with a September Marina and anyone who wants to seek truth and find ways to heal the wounds of the world. In fact, I believe I can rest assured.
I strive to be kind. I strive to be both a person and a writer who can offer healing to a heart. Some of my writings may include musings on a pet peeve from time to time, but I will always make sure that when I do it’s for the sole desire to soften those unnecessary wounds we may unintentionally bring into the world and to expand our way of looking at things more broadly and with a greater level of authenticity and compassionate measure.
Thank you for visiting. May your heart feel its light and trust it. Please come by again.