Testimonials: The Heart-to-Heart Experience
Marina is always pleased to hear from others and appreciates all heart-to-heart feedback.
Please feel free to share your experience with her.
“Thanks for all the love and energy.”
— Samidha, Delhi, India
April 9, 2020
“Hi marina! Namaste🙏🏻 I’m doing great. Hope you had a safe journey going back home. Really happy to hear from you☺️. I have been through your blogs recently, ~ reading them feels like drooling over a beautiful painting only to realise that i can literally see it once i close my eyes. Most important Theo is really adorable❤ I realized one thing good people like you are God’s reminder that there are angels who walk this earth. It was a pleasure to meet you! Early morning in India and the sun has not risen yet but I can feel it shine through your words.🌞And yes, for a real while relaxing and chanting the mantra (of Master Ou) I fell asleep.😅 All of this has given me a feeling of warmth and love. Stay safe and healthy always keep smiling. Wishing you and your loved one’s a happy and healthy life ahead. Hope you’ve had the chance to make the masala tea😁”
— Sanket, Mumbai, India
March 20, 2020
“Dear Marina! It’s so pleasant to read your “My heart speak”. You have touched every reader’s heart by building a strong, healthy and caring community. By having positive attitude and through love and being calm you strengthen every one’s soul. To seek out the good in every person. What a great idea! You have my Love.”
— Elana, Montreal, Quebec
March 4, 2020
“Your work is genuine and intimate. I admire your depth and your energy. I love your sweet soul, Marina. I see it in all your words, too. It’s like a wave of realness. What you do really blew my mind and I will definitely take you up on sending good energy in a time of stress.”
— Adina, Jerusalem, Israel
November 15, 2016
“You’re a winner in my book!! Thank you for sharing your beauty, your life, your warm heart and your undeniable care and compassion you have extended to me in the last couple of years. I cannot thank you enough for giving me a multitude of great skills and great practices to use daily as a form of strengthening my inner core. It comes from such a place of love. I feel you as a positive force. I get such pleasant sensations from your constant influx of warmth, love and positivity in all the work that you do. I know this is possible because I accept your flow of energy with a very open heart and mind. I extend many thanks to you as a teacher, mentor, inspiration specialist, for your open and kind love, undeniable raw love, unparalleled love, unconditional love, and the list goes on. I cannot give enough thanks to you in this area and then some!! You have great healing powers and that’s a huge gift!! May you continue to have them throughout your life!! You’re someone who is true to yourself. That’s why your energy sends are so powerful. You live your truth, you’re always yourself, and you’re always trying to send and receive love all over this world. The shortest distance between two people is through a smile and an open heart. If more people would just have love in their hearts instead of greed, selfishness, instant gratification, and impatience, I believe we would be living in a much more healthy world. Plus we need to spread the love by sending it out… to everyone regardless of whether they’re open to receiving or not. I think if we keep spreading the love, which in this case is like spreading the wealth, we will eventually reach those who are not open to receive. We can’t give up. Kindness shall prevail. We need to give openly and just be patient that in due time everyone, especially those we most love, will be welcoming to receive good with an open heart and mind. Have faith is what you teach me. Love is a process and does conquer all!!”
— Sandra, Elon, North Carolina
November 20, 2016
“Thank you so much! The healing is so much more powerful when you speak to and from the heart. My mind is much more at calm and I feel I’ve let go of all that is not in my control. Plus I’ve been open to many more ideas that are so comforting. I thank you for sending forth very warm-hearted energy packed with love and wholesome advice. It is duly noted that it is a practice I use often, and should share with others.”
— Sherry. St. Laurent, Quebec
November 16, 2016
“I can’t even put into words how much what you send to me means to me. What energy. I feel it. I can really feel it. So much Love. I am very touched. Thank you. I feel good. Very good. Keep doing whatever it is you do. And keep doing it for me, okay? It’s beautiful.”
— Violet, Montreal, Canada
March 23, 2015
“Thank you for all this wonderful. I sleep so well now. My back doesn’t hurt anymore. I feel good now. I have more energy. No more pain. How do you do that? It feels so great. I love it. Thank you. It’s great.”
— Mary, Tel-Aviv, Israel
July 17, 2014
“Thank you for opening my heart to what you do and shining light on my path. You remind me why I have much to be proud. I can see some of the beauty I’ve been missing. Or, the beauty I have so easily forgotten. It truly means a lot to me. You always seem to do the most wonderful things with your love, which pull and tug at my heartstrings. Your purpose here on earth is truly movingly to serve others in bringing light to, and in enlightening their lives, lifting our heavy hearts and raising our spirits, all the time selflessly, tirelessly, and in every thing you say and or do. It’s a beautiful gift. You’re a beautiful gift. I’m sure people don’t thank you enough. I, for one, am very thankful for all the wonderful things you take the time to share. I wanted to let you know that your efforts never go unnoticed. It is my hope that the universe returns the favor and comes full circle. You truly deserve it!!”
— Ilana, Burlington, North Carolina
September 7, 2016
“I just learned the Pangu Mystical Shengong Moving Form. So, Marina, there is NO DOUBT that you’ve given me the Bentley of presents. It’s also the present that keeps on giving. Thus, I will never forget you for your introduction to me or for that matter knowing about the love of Master Ou. It’s truly a present which cannot be measured by any money in the world. It’s a present that comes from the heart and is pure and helpful as it could be.”
— Sandy, Raleigh, North Carolina
October 14, 2015
“Thank you Marina, for all you are and all that you do for me. I am always amazed and honored that you go the extra mile. It tells me so much about your abundance of love in your heart. You are a true gift in my life. I have learned to love unconditionally from you in just one short year. What you have taught me in this past year is more than anyone has ever done for me or taught me in a lifetime. I also believe your teachings came to me at such an opportune and vulnerable time in my life. Which was perfect timing. I was so open to having my heart open to any and every positive suggestion you had for me. You helped make it so because of what you do energy-wise. The timing along with your wonderful words of wisdom was and still is such a fascinating thing for me. I have learned so much about loving unconditionally and it has come back to me in abundance as well. You receive what you give out to the universe. For the first time ever, I’ve realized how gratifying it can be to give love so openly. The return on my investment has been tenfold. It’s a wonderful life and my health has only gotten better and better with each passing day. I owe that to you. For showing me how good life can be when you only have positivity to share with people. It’s truly a whole new life for me. I never before experienced the power of positivity and love. You made every stride I have needed to embrace look so easy. I’m impressed. I cannot even put in words how appreciative I am of your commitment to my health and happiness. I will aspire to have banked as much love as you have for the rest of my life. I feel your hugs and love with an open heart and I send you the same in return.”
— A heart-to-heart fan, Montreal West, Quebec
July 8, 2015