Long Distance Energy Healing
Marina offers private healing sessions of forty minutes to people wherever they may live around the world. During each session, you will connect with Marina over the phone in the first five minutes to tell her your needs. The energy session lasts about 35 minutes and then you will reconnect on the phone to discuss your experience and next steps.
If you would like to receive a session with Marina, please email her at marina@myheartspeak.ca. If you feel you would like to ask anything of concern or obtain additional information prior to scheduling your first qi gong session, feel free to write her about it and leave your phone number, and Marina will find a way to connect with you by phone or facetime with you depending where you live.
The benefits of a qi energy long distance session are the same as an in-person session with the added comfort of your own surroundings, no travel time, and no missed appointments. Recipients often feel warmed and comforted by the experience and enjoy relaxing quietly after the session is completed.