Cultivating the Heart

We all know peace when we feel it. It is something you can deeply apprehend in the body. It is an expansive and welcoming energy that thrums through one’s being, one’s heart. Peace is humble, loving joy. Peace is happy, confident love no matter what is. Peace is also kind. The work of ridding what is not helpful or peacefully kind to the soul has us meet joy.

Happiness is in our power. The first great step is to deeply acknowledge that agitation in the heart does not create order and happiness to our lives at all. To embrace this truth enables you to seek a healthier foundation through all challenges. Agitation is the exact opposite of calm and self-knowing. Agitation of any kind only clutters the mind and troubles the heart. The solution is learning to disentangle from what others do or do not do. At the same time, kindly focus only, and to your best ability, on how to get out of your own way.

Any kind of agitation is a polarizing agent over a unifying one. We all can get anxious and we all can get annoyed. When we bring our own agitation into things, we blunt the seeds of solution and harmony. Agitation can be loud and obvious and it can also be subtle. What agitates us in subtle ways includes all those things we do when we look outside of ourselves for answers in acceptance, success, or having arrived. The great human tendency of relying on the opinion of others is one example. Attaching to anything or anyone that takes you away from your center is another. When we look out for validation rather than within, we sublimate the whispers of our intuition, and we suffer more. It is also why the ills of greed, our intense selfish desire for something, and our uncooperative laziness to make something work for the better exists. Humans also love to complain. This is also a form of looking out and decentering. However, when you train yourself to not fuss, you also begin to internally declutter yourself in a way that makes you more efficient to handle whatever is.

Not one of us would like to believe that we have the ability to polarize another or that something we do can create a disharmony. Yet, it is a fact that many of us do not pay careful, caring and sincere attention to the intention that emanates and speaks from our heart.  Agitation dismembers an energy field. Loving calm roots and grounds. We can choose to ride our lives for a greater dissonance or for a harmony. It is all up to us. Words and non-words matter, yes, but it is far more. This means that the intention behind our words and the intention behind our thoughts that support our actions really matters.

Let us also be clear and honest with ourselves and let us not get fooled by outside appearance. Let us be truthful about the intention we truly are holding inside. Let us ask ourselves what motivates our thoughts and actions within. Is our motivation to create peace, togetherness, and understanding? Or, is it to establish power and control? Is our impulse of connection steeped in equity and humility and being openly receiving to what is?  Or, is it about being greater than or as or more important than and absolute? We must all pay attention.

There is so much heartache in the world. It is the human heart that has caused the divisiveness and the misery. The human heart is also shining and the singular factor that can create cohesiveness and greater living beauty. If we want the  world to honor us and be kind to us we must as strongly and as sincerely keep to our personal commitments and honor it; and, if we want our life to flow with a more easy abundance, we must make sure our own thoughts and our own actions don’t jam it.

Life isn’t perfect. Where do we jam it? How do we help it along? We all do things to make us stuck. We all have our triggers. We all have our defenses. How can we take ownership and release it? Life as is can be full of drama. There is great power when we agree to not play into the disorder that something or someone is trying to create in our lives. There is great power when we become vigilant instead to how we can stay calm and humble to moments at hand.

Loving calm is the ultimate vaccine. When we work on healing our personal connections and bringing a better value to it, we slowly begin to heal what is sick inside of us and around us. When we each agree to partake in this, our wider community receives the ripple effect of our conscientious living and heals from what no longer serves it, too. If your neighbour doesn’t want to join in, take confident stock in your tremendous healing contribution anyway. Of course, it is up to you.

Training the inner workings of your heart to “seek love” in this way — so the fine and kind work of cultivating your heart— is an invitation to empower yourself. It invites you to notice story. You start to take conscientious note of how you relate to others and you notice what you tell yourself. You start to become a more honest witness to what you believe about yourself and others, and you start to understand how you can neutralize things and build for a positive that will take you forward with better connection. You start to enjoy greater self-acceptance and your own authenticity. Your heart and mind learn that it feels good and far better to stay present to the beauty of what is. When we focus on a seeking of calm and peace to all things, our hearts then harvest more beauty as well. No matter the dark valleys we meet, we can hold light, and feel it protecting us and extending all year round. We become less prone to the infection of others and our immunity stays strong overall. We save a bit of our world at each effort, and we save ourselves.

 Whatever your belief system, our holiday stories validate light, joyful freedom, and the power we each harness in a loving mutual respect for all that is within and around us. The simple truth is that all the hopes and prayers we hold dear are a year round work we must hug and individually seek to honor every moment of the day. So why is it that people long for the holidays? The heart and the soul craves rest, simple joys, and hopeful light. Light, light, we all crave light. And yet, we all do silly and unelevated things to dim it.

Ah, Light work! Bless the great kindness of our individual light work!
Now is our time to reflect and recreate and challenge our orientation, like the sun.
All you need is love…

Yes, Love is All We Need. … Staying diligently calm and persistently humble to all life things in a loving and compassionate way is Master Ou’s shorthand for effecting a happier and healthier life. Our lives can all be abundant in a sincere love. Once upon a time, my incredible and incredibly loving teacher, Master Ou, was interviewed by my dear friend Paul Fraser, and asked: How does one stay centered in this challenging and difficult world? If you can give one piece of advice, what would it be? Master Ou’s answer: “I ask people to have more kindness today than you did yesterday, and every day make that your plan.

Master Ou composed a beautiful poem that encourages us to seek love and remove all our manners of hate. And what of love? What of love? When we agree to have such peace guide our hearts, we are agreeing to live by a sincerely peaceful frequency within ourselves. We are then more apt to ride the wave and to enjoy life‘s blessings in spite of the challenge.  As we cultivate our heart for seeking and choosing only love in things, we elevate the world to that space of a higher kindness we all deeply crave.

Cultivating The Heart

By Ou, Wen Wei

[Spoken/Recited] Let your heart be filled with Divine love
Let your heart be filled with Happiness

[Sung] Quietly think
Carefully ask
Quietly think
Carefully ask

Ask Heaven
Ask Earth
Ask yourself

I ask: How much suffering and happiness are there in life?
I ask: How much love and hatred are there in life?

Quietly think
Carefully ask
Quietly think
Carefully ask

I ask in my heart: how much kindness and justice do I have?
How much evil thinking and wrongdoing are there?
I ask in my heart: how much open-mindedness and universal love do I have?
How much narrow-mindedness and resentment do I have?
I ask in my heart: how much arrogance and conceit do I have?
How much humility and prudence do I have?
How much laziness; how much diligence?

Quietly think
Carefully ask
Quietly think
Carefully ask

I ask
I ask
I ask

In this world will there be life eternal?
In this world will there be a perfect human being?
In this world will it be possible to have only happiness and no regret?
Heaven, Ah, Heaven can you let me know, can you help me resolve these dilemmas?
Will you bring me contentment?
Will you allow me to walk on the healthy, happy, eternally beautiful
Path of Life?

Tao, the Truth of the Universe can be explained
But not through normal reasoning
Emptied, free from antipathy
Deeply, quietly humble
Steady, unwavering calm

We need to make our hearts calm and broad
Only in this way can we cultivate our hearts and refine our temperament
Bringing us closer to the Essential Truth of the universe

Tao, the Truth of the Universe can be explained
But not through normal reasoning
Emptied, free from antipathy
Deeply, quietly humble
Steady, unwavering calm

Cultivate the heart
Refine our temperament
Refine our temperament
Cultivate the heart

Let your heart be filled with Divine love
Let your heart be filled with Happiness

Let your heart be filled with Divine love
Let your heart be filled with Happiness

Tao, the Truth of the Universe can be explained
But not through normal reasoning
Emptied, free from antipathy
Deeply, quietly humble
Steady, unwavering calm

Tao, the Truth of the Universe can be explained
But not through normal reasoning
Emptied, free from antipathy
Deeply, quietly humble
Steady, unwavering calm

Tao, the Truth of the Universe can be explained
But not through normal reasoning
Emptied, free from antipathy
Deeply, quietly humble
Steady, unwavering calm

Feel free to listen to the beautiful melody
of the song “Cultivating the Heart”
that Master Ou composed as you enjoy his lyrics and calligraphy
by visiting this link:

I wish you the sweetest of holidays,
a strong kind year,
the gifts of health and warm friendship,
and a happy confidence in YOUR Light!

signaturePhotography by Marina Mashaal

“If you are willing to appreciate it quietly,
Master Ou’s healing song of wonderful, sweet energy adjusts your body and your soul.
A calmer mindset and better sleep are the most common instant effects.
Listening to Master Ou’s healing music helps you temporarily forget about the wordly world,
improves your awareness of serenity,
and helps boost your immunity.”
— OuMelody

For more information on Master Ou
and all his healing modalities, you may visit:

Showing 5 comments
  • myheartspeak

    Rebecca: WOW!! What a beautiful way to start each day inspired with the gift of health love giving kindness and above all sharing the light Let’s all practice what you preach and make the world a better place Truly inspiring Thank you

  • myheartspeak

    Simha: Gd bless …Hope and Kindness. Amen. Love, Simha

  • Annalie

    Inspiring and as always, and so eloquently written. <3

  • Elana Cohen

    Dear Marina,
    Your love in your heart, lighting the heart of every person. Lighting the whole world.
    You are great inspiration to everyone.
    Wonderful to read “my heart speaks “‘.
    Full of Love, Joy, happiness and peace.
    We should try to maintain balance.
    I wish more people will adapt this philosophy.

    Elana Cohen.

    • myheartspeak

      Thank you. And yet it’s not really me. I have wonderful teachers and important life experience to thank. I especially appreciate Master Ou’s wisdom, guidance, and healing music. We all have the divine lamp of kindness within. We all in our deep value truth and beauty. When we get out of our own way, our kind good and our human beauty more readily and helpfully shines. I’m glad that achieving a happier and healthier life of loving balance shines with an importance for you and that something about my « heart speak» writes bring a rewarding meaningfuless for you. I appreciate deeply that you are reading along…

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